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Q: What are the lasting contributions of Africa in city design?
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Is Africa a state or city?

It is not a state or a city. Africa is a continent.

The largest city of Africa?

Lagos is the largest city in Africa.

West Africa's Mali boasts which capital city?

The capital city of Mali is Bamako. It has a population of 1.8 million and is located on the Niger River.

Places in Africa that start with p?

Parakou is a city in Benin, Africa. Pretoria is a city in South Africa.

What city starts with a d in Africa?

Durban is a city in South Africa I believe!

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Asmara is the best city in Africa

What is life like the city of Africa?

Africa is a continent not a city. There are many cities to be found in Africa and a capital city in each of the many countries in Africa. For this reason you will see it is not possible to answer your question.

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Africa is a continent, not a single country and as such does not have a capital

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Africa Africa

What are some things in Africa that starts with the letter d?

The city of Durban, South Africa.