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nil un bi tri quad pent hex sept oct enn

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Q: What are the latin prefixes for numbers?
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Related questions

What language do most prefixes come from?

Most prefixes come from Latin or Greek origins. These prefixes are added to the beginning of words to modify or qualify their meaning.

Latin prefix for before?

There are few if any latin prefixes. The preposition for "before" is ante

What latin prefixes and roots means say?


What dead language gave us our many prefixes?

Latin is the dead language that gave us many prefixes in English. Many English prefixes come from Latin roots and have been adopted into the language to create new words and expand vocabulary.

Can latin help your career?

Yes, many words originate from Latin prefixes, so Latin can help you with translations.

Can Latin roots have Greek prefixes?

Yes, Latin roots can be combined with Greek prefixes to create new words. This is a common practice in English and in the formation of scientific and technical terms.

What two prefixes means four?

Quadri (Latin) and Tetra (Greek) are both prefixes used for the number 4

What is the prefixes for the word navigate?

Navis- is Late Latin for 'ship, vessel'

What languange does Anatomy use a that uses prefixes and root words?

latin-nearly everything medical is Latin.

What are the prefixes for the numbers nine and ten?

Non(a)- and dec(a)-

Which languages are the most likely to show up in English words as prefixes and roots?

Latin and Greek are the most common sources of prefixes and roots in English words. Many scientific and technical terms have roots that come from Greek or Latin, while common English prefixes like "re-" and "un-" have Latin origins. Additionally, French and Spanish are languages that have also influenced English vocabulary with their prefixes and roots.

What are negative number prefixes?

- is the prefix for negative numbers in algebra.