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The minor must have reached the age of consent in their state and that age vary from 16-18 in the individual states. There can also be close in age exceptions in the law. See link below for all ages of consent in the US.

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It is illegal! It would be a sexual crime, the severity will depend on the specific laws of the state or country.

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Q: What are the laws about a 17 year old girl and an 18 year old boy dating when they are sexually active?
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What are the laws about 16-year-old girl and an 18-year-old boy dating when they are sexually active in Florida?

It is difficult to know the answer to this without knowing where you are as the law is different depending on your country or even location in the country.

What are the laws in Pensacola Florida on a 16year old girl sexually active with a 20 year old boy?

I don't know about any specific laws in Pensacola, but that is definitely statutory rape.

Is dating minors illegal?

There are no laws about dating. There are laws about sexual contact. The laws vary from place to place, but typically someone over the age of 16 is safe. It is illegal for anyone to sexually exploit minors. Be careful!

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Yes, it is illegal and highly inappropriate for a 9-year-old girl to go out with a 20-year-old boy. The significant age difference raises serious concerns about coercion, manipulation, and the potential for harm to the child. This situation could also be considered a form of child exploitation.

Is it illegal for a 17 year old girl to date a 20 year old boy in Wisconsin?

There are no laws about dating. There are laws about sexual contact and getting married, but not dating.

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There are no laws regarding dating. Don't know why a girl wants to go out with someone old enough to be her father, but it isn't illegal.

Can a 20 year old man get in trouble for dating a 17 year old girl in Pennsylvania?

There are no laws about dating. There are laws about sexual contact and in Pennsylvania 16 is the age of consent.

What are the ga laws on a 14 year old girl dating a 20 year old boy?

There are no laws about dating in Georgia. There are laws about sexual contact. The boy could get in a lot of trouble if there is even a hint a sexual activity.

What are the legal consequences of an 18 year old boy dating a 15 year old girl?

None unless they have sex. There are no laws for dating.

Is it okay that a 16 year old date a 18 year old girl?

There are no laws about dating.

What are the laws about a 17-year-old girl and an 18-year-old boy dating when they are sexually active?

17 is legal. There are no legal ramifications. * While it is unlikely that authorities would take any action unless there were mitigating circumstances, the AOC in following states is 18. Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington State and Wisconsin.

Is it illegal for a 16 year old boy and a 18 year old girl to date?

There are no laws about dating. You just have to be respectful of consent laws.