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Q: What are the layers of culture?
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# Cuttings # layers. # grafting # tissue culture (micropropogation)

What thing has layers?

The Earth's crust has layers, the atmosphere has layers, and certain types of cake have layers.

How many layers does Mercury have?

Jupiter has 3 layers of clouds.

How do the atmospheric layers affect human life?

The atmospheric layers affect human life. These layers are layers of air.

Compare Earth's compositional layers with its structural layers?

The Earth has three compositional layers and five structural layers. Both layers have iron, magnesium, aluminum and silica.

What do the tombs at Ur reveal about the citys culture?

the tombs at ur revealed that diffrent layers in the ruins,archaeologists found the remains of an ubaid village

How many layers on candy canes?

None candy canes don't have layers. Candy canes are a solid they don't have layers. CANDY CANES DON'T HAVE LAYERS. But onions have layers.

What are the layers of a rock?

there are many layers

Does Mars have layers?

Mars has no layers

What Are The Layers Of A Football?

Three Layers

What does it mean to have medium layers?

Short layers is when the shortest cut of your layers are high on your head. Long layers is when the shortest cut of you layers are within a few inches of the longest length of hair. Medium layers is somewhere in between the two, usually when your layers start at ear or chin level.

Is there bi-layers in the Golgi apparatus?

no the Golgi apparatus does not have bi-layers it has about 1,000 layers