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Every organization (with one exception) within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church), from the local to the international level, is lead by a President and two Counselors. Beneath the president and two counselors will be assistants (such as secretaries or clerks) and teachers, if needed.

Congregational Level:

-Bishop, two counselors (+secretaries & clerks as needed) = lead entire congregation

-Relief Society President, two counselors (+secretaries & teachers) = lead women's organization

-Elders Quorum President, two counselors (+secretaries & teachers) = lead men's organization

-Young Women's President, two counselors (+secretaries & teachers) = lead teen girls organization

* within this organization, there are three age groups (Beehives, Mia Maids, and Laurels) each having their own teenage president and counselors

-Young Men's President, two counselors (+secretaries & teachers) = lead teen boys organization

* within this organization there are three age groups (Deacons, Teachers, and Priests) each having their own teenage president and counselors

-Sunday School President, two counselors (+secretaries & teachers) = lead adult and teen Sunday School

-Primary President, two counselors (+secretaries & teachers) = lead children's Sunday School

Local (Stake) Level: (a group of 5-12 local congregations is a 'Stake')

-Stake President, two counselors (+secretaries & clerks) =lead the stake and all bishops within the stake

* The Stake President is assisted by a High Counsel, which consists of former Bishops and Stake Presidents within the stake.

-Stake Relief Society President, two counselors (+secretaries or committee) =lead all congregational Relief Societies within the stake

-Stake Elder's Quorum President, two counselors (+secretaries or committee) =lead all congregational Elder's Quorums within the stake

-Stake Young Women's President, two counselors (+secretaries or committee) =lead all congregational Young Women's groups within the stake

-Stake Young Men's President, two counselors (+secretaries or committee) =lead all congregational Young Men's groups within the stake

-Stake Sunday School President, two counselors (+secretaries or committee) =lead all congregational adult and teen Sunday Schools within the stake

-Stake Primary President, two counselors (+secretaries or committee) =lead all children's Primary organizations within the stake

Area/Regional Level: (each stake is put into an area group of several stakes, which is lead by an Area Seventy. Seventies are a part of one of eight quorums of 70 seventies each. The eight Seventies Quorums are overseen by the Seven Presidents of the Seventy - the only exception to the 'President+counselors model)

International Level: (each area combines to form the international church, where the leadership is organized similar to the congregational and stake levels)

-President, two counselors = top leadership of the entire church. The president is considered a to be Prophet

* The President and two counselors are assisted by Twelve Apostles, following the New Testament model.

-Relief Society president, two counselors (+committee) = lead all Relief Societies internationally

-Young Women's President, two counselors (+committee) = lead all Young Women's groups internationally

-Young Men's President, two counselors (+committee) = lead all Young Men's groups internationally

-Sunday School President, two counselors (+committee) = lead all adult and teen Sunday Schools internationally

-Primary President, two counselors (+comittee) = lead all children's Primary organizations internationally

-Presiding Bishop, two counselors = oversee all charitable and humanitarian services of the international church

Missions: Missions are a seperate arm of the church, not combined with the stakes or congregations, but overseen by the Seventies and the Twelve Apostles. Each Mission has a President (who serves with his wife) chosen by the President of the Church, two counselors from the local area, and assistants chosen from the body of traveling proselyting missionaries. The missionaries are further divided into larger geographical groups (zones) which consist of smaller groups (districts). Each mission zone and district is lead by two or more missionaries.

Temples: Temples are also a seperate arm of the church which are overseen by the Seventies and Twelve Apostles. Each Temple is lead by a President and two counselors (plus their wives, who are called "matrons") chosen by the President of the church and are assisted by local workers who are referred from the stakes.

Seeing a graphical representation will be helpful. Check out the "Related Links" below to see some graphics and information about the leadership structure of the Mormon church.

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In Mormonism, leadership structures are hierarchical and based on priesthood authority. The highest level of leadership is the First Presidency, consisting of the President and his two counselors. Beneath the First Presidency is the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. At the local level, there are bishops who oversee individual congregations called wards, and stake presidents who oversee multiple wards within a geographic area. The leadership structure ultimately aims to provide guidance, support, and spiritual direction to members of the faith.

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