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legal rights of cosigner on mortgage

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Q: What are the legal rights of a cosigner on a mortgage?
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What are the disadvantages of cosigning on a mortgage?

If the primary borrower defaults the cosigner can get "stuck" with a huge debt and ruined credit. A cosigner has the same legal obligation to repay a loan as does the primary borrower. In addition, a cosigner does not have property owner rights, only the debt. The real question is why would anyone agree to pay a mortgage for land they do not own. A co-signer has an equal obligation to pay the mortgage.

Does a cosigner have any legal rights to sell your house if there has never been a missed payment or late payment?

No, a cosigner has no legal rights to the property unless their name is on the title or deed. A cosigner is accepting the responsibility of the debt if the primary borrower defaults; a co-buyer/borrower is a different matter entirely.

Can a cosigner take away your car even though payments are not delinquent?

No. Unless the cosigner is also a title holder they have no legal rights to the vehicle.

What are the rights of borrowers when the cosigner is considering a lawsuit to force them to take a second mortgage so the cosigner can recover money paid because the mortgage was defaulted on?

The cosigner has the right to file a lawsuit against the primary borrower's to recover his or her financial losses due to the defaulted lending agreement. The procurement of a second mortgage does not seem viable if the primary borrower's credit was not originally sufficient for them to obtain the loan without the need of a cosigner. It is more likely the house will have to be forfeited by means of foreclosure and the cosigner will have to try to recover losses by other means. The primary borrower's best choice is to obtain legal advice as to what their options are before a lawsuit is filed against them.

If we have bad credit will a cosigner help us get a mortgage?

Yes, a person with bad credit can get a cosigner for a mortgage. The cosigner will have to have excellent credit and must go into the office to sign papers to become a cosigner.

Does a cosigner have rights to a vehicle?

No, a cosigner only has the legal obligation to pay the debt if the primary borrower defaults on the lending agreement.The exception to this would be if the cosigner is a joint title holder of the vehicle.COSINGER!Does a consignor have rights to the vehicle if the people who is buying the car never missed a payment?

Can the cosigner demand that the car remain in the same state where he or she resides?

No, a cosigner does not have any legal rights to the vehicle, but does have the legal obligation to repay the debt if the primary borrower defaults on the contract. An exception could be if the cosigner is also named on the title to the vehicle, and if so, how the title is worded.

Does the cosigner on a mortgage need to be on the purchase and sale so the seller is aware of a cosigner?

That is an issue between the mortgage company, the buyer and the cosigner. The seller's only worry is selling the property and getting paid.

Is the cosigner on a property considered to be a co-owner?

Yes. * No. Unless a cosigner is also named on the title to a vehicle or the deed to real property they have no legal rights or claim to said property.

What are the differences between Legal and Equitable Rights?

Legal RightLegal rights are recognized by the courts of common law.A registered mortgage is a legal mortgage.These are certain rights.Where these two rights conflict, legal rights prevail.Equitable RightEquitable rights are recognized by the courts of chancery.A mortgage of property by simply keeping the title deeds with the creditor is an equitable mortgage.These are uncertain rights.When these two rights conflict with each other, equitable rights become weaker than legal rights.

Does a cosigner have legal rights to a vehicle if his name is not on the title?

It depends on local/state laws and what the original contract stated.

If you co-sign on an auto loan are you required to be on the title in Pennsylvania?

No, a cosigner generally has no legal rights to the property that they are cosigning for.