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When Dr. Spyglass gives you an eye exam, he points to letters on the chart. Each time, pick the symbol that points the OPPOSITE way (backward E instead of E, M instead of W) so that you get all of the answers wrong. This shows him that you are a friendly spy.

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Q: What are the letters for the eye chart on Spy island?
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Why are letters on an eye chart laterally inverted?

It is because the letters makes The Eye reflect back into the chart

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it is on the spy island.

What are the answers to the eye chart on spy island?

To show that you are a spy, take an eye test at the Eyewear store. When the doctor points to a symbol, choose the REVERSE symbol instead (up instead of down, left instead of right). He will open the outside door to the upstairs secret laboratory.

Where is the eye doctor in spy island?

the eye docter is in the glasses store then talk to him.

How can you fake an eye test?

My wife would memorize the letters of the Snelling eye chart.

What is the answer for the eye exam on spy island in poptropica?

you the to do the opposite of what it tells you to do.

What is sentence for the word chart?

During an eye exam, the doctor asked the patient to read the letters on the sixth line of the chart.

How do you get to the sercert lab on spy island?

you have to do the eye test and do theopposite number or letter

Where do you camouflage on spy island?

You go to the eye glass store and ask for an eye examand do the opposite of what the guy shows

How do you beat the eye doctor task of Spy Island on Poptropica?

You answer the eye thing by doing everything in opposite directions

How do you becom invisibel on spy island?

go to the glasses store and ask for an eye exam.

What does your eye exam need to be in order to get glasses?

you don't need glasses on spy island