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Q: What are the limitations of the disk diffusion assay?
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Is the disk diffusion technique measuring bateriostatic or bactericidal activity?

The disk diffusion technique measures bacteriostatic activity by utilizing certain triggers and tape measures that record whenever there is any noise or wavelengths emitted from the receiving end of the device.

What is an assay?

An assaying is a trial by assay, thorough examination and determination.

What is the difference between assay on as is basis and assay on anhydrous basis?

assay on as is basis includes the sample+water content+residual solvents+others. but assay on as is basis takes water content into account that means weight of the water present in the sample will be added in weighing the sample quantity of API required.

What is a disk diffusion test?

In the disk diffusion test (also called the Kirby Bauer test), disks containing an antimicrobial agent are placed on the surface of an agar plate containing a medium that has been inoculated with the disease agent being tested, which will grow and fill the disk. The antimicrobial agent diffuses into the medium, killing some of the disease agent around where the anitmicrobial agent was innoculated, depending on how susceptible the disease agent is to the antimicrobial agent. The size of the area cleared of the disease agent shows how effective the antimicrobial agent is.

What are the common interfering substances for porphobilinogen assay?

The interfering substances for porphobilinogen assay includes urea and urobilinogen. Since they can affect the results of the assay, interfering substances are removed by selectively adsorbing PBG onto an ion-exchange resin (PubMed, 1989).

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