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Q: What are the little pockets on the back of bees legs called?
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Why does bees have pockets?

Bees don't have pockets but on their back legs there is a depressed area called the corbicula - the common name is pollen basket. As the bee flies back from the flower, she combs the pollen off of herself and packs it into the pollen basket on her back legs. When she arrives at the hive, she has two neat little packets of pollen on each of her back legs and is back to looking like a normal bee rather than one who has taken a bath in pollen!

Do bees have pockets?

NOOO!!! are u dumb?!?!??! jw NOOO!!! are u dumb?!?!??! jw

What are the organs of the male?

well that is a difficult question, and the answer starts with a little thing called the birds and the bees

What are the male bees called?

Male bees are called drones.

Male bees are called?

Male bees are called drones.

What are the reproductive organs of the male?

well that is a difficult question, and the answer starts with a little thing called the birds and the bees

What is the sound of bees called?

Bees buzz.

What is a pack of Honey Bees called?

A pack of Honey Bees is called a Swarm.

What is intraspecific interactions with bees?

Intraspecific interactions with bees is called beekeeping. Beekeepers are called apiarists and the box where the bees are kept are called apiaries or hives.

Are female drone bees actually called Lez-bees?

Actually, the 'worker-bees' are 'Lez-Bees'.

What are bees like when they are little?

Bees emerge from their pupa state fully formed.

What are the bees that collect honey called?

Worker bees.