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The living conditions are very horrible. Mice may be kept in a small cage with many other mice. Puppies, bunnies, cats and other domestic animals are kept squished together constantly and they are treated terribly.-Animal Rights Activist

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Q: What are the living conditions of animals used in animal testing?
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Related questions

What are the origins of animal testing?

Aristotle and Erasistratus were among the first to perform experiments on living animals.

Were did animal testing originated from?

The earliest references to animal testing are found in the writings of the Greeks in the second and fourth centuries BC. were among the first to perform experiments on living animals.

Should animal testing be continued or stopped?

ANIMAL TESTING SHOULD BE STOPPED.... Especially if you are an animal lover. Animals are tested everyday for stuff that we use daily. A majority of these animals are killed in the process. If you think that going and testing something on something that you cared about and it killed them how would you feel.... These animals are living breathing things and why should people destroy the so we can see a new (ex.) of eyeshadow or perfume that is a scent already out in the world that is not tested on animals. Think about your pet for example dying. How would you feel?? That s what animal testing does.

What did anita roddick do to stand up for animal testing?

Anita Roddick was against animal testing because she thought it was wrong to test things on animals, because if the products are dangerous they could kill the animals, and animals were put on this world for a purpose and they are living creatures just like us. By Sasha Mills x

Should animals be used for scientific researches?

If you think about it humans are animals it is just that we are the only kind of animal that can stand on two feet and we can communicate with each other so testing on animals is almost like testing on one of your friends or a member of your family I love animals and i don't like seeing them being hurt so please help the cause to stop animal testing :)

Should you use animal testing?

No, because an animal is also a living thing.

Is a animal living?

yes animals are living :)

Why isn't animal testing illegal?

animal testing isn't illeagle becuase the only lic=ving things on this plannet is humans and animals and also bugs. but they cannot test it on bugs because were not related to bugs in any way. So animals are the only living thing too test things on.

What animal or palnt uses the adaptation system?

Adaptations are necessary for animals whose living conditions might change. In general, all animals and plants are adapted to their environment.

What is involved in the medical process called vivisection?

Vivisection is a type of surgery used for experimental reason particularly on living organisms and animals. This is conducted in order to view the animals' living internal structure. A streamline version of this is known as Animal Testing.

What are the bad things for animal testing?

There are many harmful effects of animal testing. Namely, animals experience prolonged suffering and death. Also, companies continue to participate in animal testing as long as people fail to speak out against it.

When did animal testing first start?

animal testing started in the years of Aristotle (384-322 BC) and Erasistratus (304-258 BC). & was a very cruel and painful for the animals.