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Q: What are the locations of present day new France?
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In 1608 where was the new france established?

In present-day Canada and America.

When did New France become present day canada?

it became Canada in 1789-1790

What is another name for New France?

The "new world" - it included far more than present day Quebec

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with russuia and china and spain and france and present day new mexico

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of present-day Vermont and the Adirondack Mountains of present-day New York

What countries did the French settle in Canada?

The French settled in Quebec in what is now present day Canada, they also settled in Port Royal, what is now present day Annapolis Royal

What day is New Year's Day on in France?

Jan 1

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New Spain, which extended from present-day Oregon to present-day Guatemala

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They lived in present day New York,

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What is the present-day location of New Amsterdam?

New York

Was New Amsterdam located in present day Georgia?

No. New Amsterdam was located in present-day New York City. It was captured by British Forces and later renamed to New York.