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The Reichstag fire allowed the Nazis to solidify their power by blaming and persecuting their political opponents, leading to the consolidation of control under Hitler. This event also paved the way for the passing of the Enabling Act, which effectively allowed Hitler to rule by decree, further eroding democratic processes in Germany and contributing to the establishment of a totalitarian regime.

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Q: What are the long term effects of the reichstag fire?
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What are some long term effects of overpopulation?

Some long-term effects of overpopulation can include increased strain on resources like food and water, degradation of the environment through pollution and deforestation, and increased competition for jobs and living space. Overpopulation can also lead to social issues such as overcrowding, poverty, and conflict.

What long term effect does alcohol have on your eyes?

Long-term alcohol consumption can lead to vision problems such as blurry vision, decreased depth perception, and an increased risk of developing conditions like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Alcohol can also impair the optic nerve function, leading to difficulties in processing visual information.

What are the long term effects of vicodin use in elderly?

Long-term use of Vicodin in the elderly can lead to increased risk of falls, confusion, cognitive decline, and dependence or addiction. It can also worsen underlying medical conditions and interact with other medications the elderly may be taking. It is important to closely monitor the use of Vicodin in older individuals and consider alternative pain management strategies.

What were the long term effects on the feudalism system?

The long-term effects of the feudalism system included the concentration of power among nobles, the stagnation of social mobility, and the eventual decline of feudalism in favor of more centralized forms of governance like monarchies. Feudalism also contributed to economic inefficiency and fragmentation of territories, making it difficult for large-scale development and trade to flourish.

What were the long term short term effects on Dawes act?

The Dawes Act of 1887 aimed to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream society by allotting them individual plots of land. In the short term, it led to the loss of communal land, cultural disruption, and poverty among Native American communities. In the long term, it eroded tribal sovereignty and contributed to the decline of Native American lands and cultures.

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