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ermm well let me tell u sa story

hi my name is kimmie

i love food and i love my phone.

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· Meeting the needs of customers by constantly seeking, and acting on, their opinions regarding innovation, product quality, choice, store facilities and service.

· To provide goods/services that is cheap and affordable to consumers or the public.

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Q: What are the long term objectives of Tesco's supermarket?
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What should be the answer given for short term and long term objectives?

Short term objectives are usually based on immediate needs and long term objectives are based on future wants and projected needs.

Goals or objectives of admission system in AIOU?

goals are long term and objectives are short term

What is the relationships among objectives strategies and policies?

Long-term objectives and strategies are products of strategy formulation. Short-term (annual) objectives and policies are products of strategy implementation. Firms should translate long-term objectives into annual objectives. Similarly, strategies should be supported with clear policies.

What are some objectives of a hotel?

Long term profitability.

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Your career objectives are the goals you would like to meet in your career. A short term objective could be to land a new promotion while a long term goal could be to become a CEO.

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Short-term objectives could include scheduling regular team-building activities or setting up one-on-one meetings with colleagues to get to know them better. Long-term objectives might involve taking on leadership roles within the team, fostering a culture of collaboration and open communication, and actively seeking opportunities to mentor and support others.

Objectives of retail management?

Retail management aims to increase sales and profits by effectively managing inventory, staff, and customer experience. It also focuses on creating a positive shopping environment to attract and retain customers, as well as implementing strategies to differentiate from competitors and adapt to changing market trends. Additionally, retail management seeks to optimize store operations and ensure customer satisfaction through efficient service and product availability.

What is meant by business aims?

The long term goals of a business are the aims and the objectives are the short term steps you take to get there.

What is meant by objectives of an enterprise?

Business Objectives can be categorized into two:Strategic objectives - usually long-term and maybe the ultimate goal for the business.Tactical objectives - concerned with the day-to-day running of the company. *tactical objectives help to achieve the strategic objective

The Principles and methods of business short and medium term planning?

Businesses plan short term so that they can reach their long term objectives. They break their long term goals down into actionable goals they can measure.

_____ planning is the creation of long-range, comprehensive objectives and the development of long-term courses of action.Group of answer choicesTacticalStrategicOperationalSupervisoryFunctional?

Heaven and Earth

The extent to which the project is viewed as helping the organization achieve its strategic objectives and long-term goals describes?

strategic alignment