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The sun emits electromagnetic energy pretty much across the electromagnetic spectrum. Pick a low radio frequency and the sun emits electromagnetic energy in that band. The sun emits all kinds of electromagnetic (EM) energy. From the higher frequencies (higher energies and shorter wavelengths) down, out star emits gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet (UV) rays, visible light, infrared (IR) rays, microwaves, high frequency radio frequency (RF) waves and all the rest. Radiation from the sun interferes with AM radio in the 520 - 1700 kHz band, and even lower frequency electromagnetic energy like the very low frequency (VLF) bands used in . We can "see" or "hear" the electromagnetic noise of the sun just about anywhere we care to look or listen (depending on which word you prefer) with optical or radio telescopes, or even a longwave radio reciever.

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