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I would have to guess it to be GREED.

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Q: What are the main causes of unethical behavior in companies?
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What are the main causes of unethical behaviour in zimbabwean local authorities?

Examples of unethical conduct in the South African public sector are much the same as in other public sector areas. These could be fraud in a public office or embezzlement. Causes of these might be something such as a criminal intent or even just wish to do something that is not allowed.

Do you agree or disagree that transnational companies have too much power and are guilty of too much unethical practices in pursuit of profit?

Oh, I wholeheartedly agree that transnational companies have far too much power and are guilty of too much immoral and unethical practices to gain profit. "Profit before People" is the main motivation behind major corporations. Whether it is the exploitation of humans or the excessive cruelty against animals, corporations will do anything in their pursuit for profit.

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The ethical problems in the business occurs when the company do not care of its waste material and this material is harmful for the society . The dangurous chemicals effect the peoples of surronding areas. This is the main cause of unethical behavior of the firms.

What are the four goals of psychology and their meaning?

The four main goals of psychology are to describe behavior, explain behavior, predict behavior, and control or change behavior. Description involves observing and recording behavior, explanation focuses on understanding the causes of behavior, prediction involves identifying patterns and making forecasts, and control aims to apply findings to influence behavior positively.

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What are the three main causes of corrosion?

What are the three main causes of corrosion?

What were the issues in the case corporate governance the jack wright series?

The main issues in "Corporate Governance: The Jack Wright Series" revolved around unethical practices within the fictional company. This included conflicts of interest, lack of transparency, misuse of power, and unethical decision-making leading to negative consequences for shareholders and stakeholders. The series explored the importance of strong corporate governance mechanisms in ensuring accountability and ethical behavior within organizations.

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The main causes are destroying cities, killing living organisims, and polluting the air. Those were the main destructive causes

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The main causes of WARS is for property, power and authority

What are the main causes of forest fires in Manitoba?

lightning about 60% humans about 40% - 45% that caused lightning - 55% that caused people - 15% that caused companies and other industries

What are the four basic goals of psychology?

The four basic goals of psychology are to describe behavior, explain behavior, predict behavior, and control or influence behavior. These goals aim to help understand human behavior and mental processes.

What is causes of erosion?

Main causes are water and the wind.