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Monotremes are the only mammals that lay eggs.

Both platypuses and echidnas are monotremes. The name monotreme is derived from two Greek words meaning "one-holed", because they have just one external opening, the cloaca, for both waste elimination and for reproduction. The cloaca leads to the urinary, faecal and reproductive tracks, all of which join internally, and it is the orifice by which the female monotreme lays her eggs. This is different from other mammals, which have two openings - one for reproduction, and one for waste.

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11y ago

They are different from other animals because they are the only animals that lay eggs and feed milk to their young ones.They also have hairs.They are mammals that lay eggs.

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8y ago

The mammal groups differ in how their young develop. Monotremes lay eggs. Mammals are endothermic vertebrates that have skin covered with fur or hair, and a four chambered heart

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8y ago

Monotremes, that includes the platypus and the echidnas, lay eggs. All other mammals, including placentals and marsupials, give live birth.

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What are the differences of a monotreme and a mammal?

A monotreme is a kind of mammal. It just has a different type of reprooductive system as most other mammals.

What is the difference between monotreme and other mammals?

Monotremes are the only mammals that give birth to their young in eggs

Do primates give live birth?

Yes, they are placental mammals. Most mammals are placental. The other two options are marsupial mammals (mammals with a pouch) and monotreme mammals (mammals that lay eggs).

Are platypuses placental mammals?

No, platypuses are monotremes. This means they are mammals which lay eggs, instead of giving birth to live young. The only other monotreme is the echidna.

What type of mammal is a montreme?

A monotreme is a specialised mammal that lays eggs, but has all the other characteristics of mammals. They are platypus and echidna.

how is spiny anteater different from other mammal?

It is a monotreme, this means it's one of only 2 types of mammals that lay eggs. The other is the platypus.

What are monotreme mammals?

Monotremes are mammals which lay eggs, as opposed to all other mammals which give birth to live young. The only mammals which are monotremes are the platypus and short-beaked echidna of Australia, and the long-beaked echidna of New Guinea.

What is the correct name for a spiny anteater?

The spiny anteater, more correctly known as the echidna,is a monotreme. This means it is an egg-laying mammals, one of only two such types of animals in the world. The other monotreme is the platypus.

To what order do platypuses belong?

The platypus is a monotreme, and of the order monotremata.Together with the short-beaked and long-beaked echidna, the platypus is one of the few egg-laying mammals in the world.

Is there any other Monotreme aside from a Platypus?

Yes, there is. The echidna is also a monotreme.

How does the spiny echidna differ from most other mammals?

The echidna, also known as the spiny anteater, is different from most other mammals because it is a mammal that lays eggs. It is a monotreme, meaning it is an egg-laying mammal. The only other mammal species which lays eggs is the platypus.

Do platypuses reproduce by laying eggs?

Yes. Platypuses are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals, so they do not give birth to live young. The only other monotreme is the echidna.