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A hormone response is far-reaching and can affect more than one cell or tissue group and can last minutes to hours, even days. Synaptic transmission is strictly locally acting and is over and done with shortly after it begins (i.e, the neurotransmitters are quickly cleared to prevent ongoing stimulation).

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Q: What are the main differences between between a hormone response and synaptic transmission?
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What is the difference between synaptic and nerve impulse transmission?

Synaptic transmission is chemical, while nerve impulse or axonal transmission is electrical.

What is accomplished by synaptic transmission?

Synaptic transmission, also called neurotransmission, refers to the process wherein neurotransmitters are released by a neuron to activate the receptors of another neuron. Communication between two nerve cells is accomplished by synaptic transmission.

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Transmission across a chemical synapse always involves a synaptic delay, but with only one synapse (a monosynaptic reflex), the delay between stimulus and response is minimized. In a polysynaptic reflex, the length of delay is proportional to the number of synapses involved.

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A synaptic knob is a tiny bulge at the end of a terminal branch of a presynaptic neuron's axon!

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Synaptic gaps are the spaces between neurons.

The narrow space between the synaptic terminal and the muscle fiber is the?

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Space between synaptic end bulbs of axon terminal and sarcolemma?

synaptic cleft i think

How does synaptic transmission take place?

The synaptic transmission is where the communication between the terminal button and the dendrite occur. What happens is the impulse moves along the axon and release neurotransmitter from the end plate of the presynaptic neuron and are diffused across the synaptic cleft. This creates a depolarization of the dendrites of the postsynaptic neuron. When that happens the postsynaptic's sodium channels to open and start the action potential. Once the channels are open an enzyme called cholinesterase is released from postsynaptic membrane and it acts to destroy the neurotransmitters. When they are destroyed the sodium channels close and begins recovery.

what are the differences between pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neuron?

Yes. A synapse by definition is the space (gap) between one neurons terminal buton and another neurons dendrites. So, the neuron with the terminal buton end is known as the pre-synaptic neuron and the neuron after the synapse is known as the post-synaptic neuron.

Functional connection between two neurons is a?

functional connection between two neurons is the transmission of electrical signals from one neuron to another through a synapse. When an electrical impulse reaches the axon terminal of the pre-synaptic neuron, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the post-synaptic neuron, allowing the electrical signal to be transmitted and continue the communication between neurons.

The tiny space between the axon terminal and the dendrite of another neuron is called the?

Synaptic Cleft.

Synaptic signaling between adjacent neurons is like hormone signaling in which way?

Nerves communicate at specialized cell junctions known as synapses. In response to some stimuli, in many cases an action potential, the pre-synaptic nerve releases signal molecules into the space between the two cells (the synaptic cleft). The signaling molecule is then bound by a receptor on the post-synaptic neuron. In this fashion "instructions" can be communicated between neurons. Generally binding of the messenger signal leads to the opening of an ion channel in the post-synaptic nerve causing that nerve to either become more or less excited. In the case of more excited the post-synaptic neuron will approach being able to fire its own action potential if it is excited enough.