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Either type of disability brings challenges. But only from the viewpoint of onset, a congenital disability is present AT birth; an acquired occurs anytime after birth, at any age. Children with congenital disabilities learn ways to compensate. They adapt quickly. They've never known anything but the disability. But when someone is 20, 30, 40 and becomes permanently disabled, they must grieve their former self while trying to accept their new limitations, but unable to fully give up the idea they will return to their former abilities. Eventually, resignation and acceptance must meet up with each other; the person has to find some middle ground in order to live with acquired disability.

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Q: What are the main differences between the way in which an acquired and congenital disability may impact on people?
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What is the difference between a congenital disability and an acquired disability?

Congenital happens before birth, acquired after.

What is the difference between a acqiured and congenital disability?

I would say congenital would be something one is born with or inherit. Acquired perhaps due to maybe an accident.

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