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Q: What are the main remedies for land pollution?
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What are the main pollution of vehicular emission?

water pollution, air pollution, land pollution etc....

What are the remedies for land pollution caused by industries?

* Reduce the use of Weed killers ,if it is too compulsary use only weed killers which do not harm the land

How many types of pollution is there?

there are many types of pollution the main ones are- noise, air, light, water and land

What meaning of land pollution?

land pollution is where the land is polluted.

What is the importance of land pollution?

the impotants of land pollution

Three remedies of air pollution?

Pollution check of the vehicles Industries to be fitted with scrubbers Growing more trees

How do stop land pollution?

you can stop land pollution by recycling.

Can land animals have pollution?

land animals can have pollution YES

What can you get from land pollution from China?

wat can you get from land pollution from china?

What are the disadvantages of the land?

The disadvantages of land transportation are so many. The main disadvantages include noise and air pollution through the combustion process.

What pollution is the meaning of land pollution?

soil pollution

What are the pollutants of land pollution?

Land pollution is pollution of the Earth's natural land surface by industrial, commercial, domestic and agricultural activities.