

What are the main symptoms for adhd?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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The symptoms change with age. A younger person with ADHD might be fidgety, run and climb on things, as well as have difficulty remaining still or quiet in times where it is appropriate. A person with ADHD in their teenage years might appear restless, procrastinate, and not complete responsibilities. An adult with ADHD might have difficulty focusing, forgetful of planned events, and be disorganized.

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Q: What are the main symptoms for adhd?
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Where could I look online to find the symptoms of ADHD?

The main symptoms of ADHD are inattention and hyperactivity, as the name suggests. For a full rundown of more specific behaviors, check out this WebMD article: .

What are the symptoms for adhd?

Lack of concentration and restlessness are two symptoms of ADHD.

What are the symptoms for adult adhd?

One of the main symptoms is, indeed, easy distractibility. Another is a paradoxical reaction to stimulants such as coffee.

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What are the symptoms of ADHD in a child?

Some symptoms of ADHD in a child include hyperactivity and trouble concentrating. Some children are thought to have a hot temper while they in fact have ADHD.

How can I recognize adhd symptoms?

There are lots of sites with information about ADHD symptoms. The WebMD and Healthline sites are both great sites with accurate information about ADHD in both children and adults.

What conditions might cause ADHD symptoms in early childhood?

In early childhood, exposure to lead or other toxins can cause ADHD-like symptoms. Traumatic brain injury or neurological disorders may also trigger ADHD symptoms.

What supplements help manage ADHD symptoms?

Ritalin is a good supplement for ADHD. It is actually effective. Also, recent studies are showing that a healthy diet can also help control ADHD symptoms.

Does stratera cure ADHD?

Stratera does not cure ADHD but rather helps make the symptoms of ADHD more manageable for the sufferer.

Are there any diets that minimize ADHD symptoms?

There are multiple websites that can help you find a diet to minimize ADHD symptoms. Some of these websites are:,, and All three sites offer great ideas for diets to minimize ADHD symptoms.

How can you tell if a person has ADHD?

If a person displays many symptoms of ADHD [see related questions] one could suggest a person has ADHD. In some cases, such as inattentive subtypes of ADHD a person would not display obvious external symptoms. Only a doctor can confirm a diagnosis of ADHD.

What are the top symptoms of ADHD in kids?

Some of the main symptoms of ADHD in early to mid-childhood include: inattentiveness to details, easily getting bored with tasks, difficulty with simple instructions and the inability to remain focused on a given activity. These should by no means be taken as strict signs of ADHD as it is a natural idiosyncrasy for children to have little attention and to get easily distracted in their early years.