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When you want a pause in a sentence, you use a comma.

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1w ago

Commas are used to separate items in a list, set off introductory phrases or clauses, separate independent clauses in a compound sentence, and set off nonessential information in a sentence.

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Q: What are the main uses of commas?
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Do Mexicans use commas?

Yes, Mexicans use commas in writing to separate items in a list, to mark off introductory words or phrases, and to separate clauses in a sentence. The use of commas in Mexican Spanish follows the same principles as in other varieties of Spanish.

What are two uses for commas?

sepreted and created

How many commas are in one trillion?

Assuming one uses commas to separate three digits, then four.

How should a clause that uses that be used?

not set apart with commas

Are Introductory participial phrases and adverb clauses set off from main clauses by commas?

Yes, introductory participal phrases and adverb clauses are set off from main clauses by commas

What is an asyndetic list?

A grammatical term which describes a list which uses commas to separate its parts.

Which one of these uses commas correctly?

Without seeing the examples you provided, I can't confirm which one uses commas correctly. However, in general, commas are used to separate items in a list, set off introductory phrases or clauses, and separate independent clauses in compound sentences. Make sure to check for consistency and clarity when using commas.

What is mistake of punctuation in a sentence?

A mistake of punctuation in a sentence could include using the wrong punctuation mark, such as a comma instead of a period, or forgetting to use punctuation altogether. It could also involve placing punctuation marks in the wrong location within the sentence, which can change the meaning or clarity of the sentence.

Where are the commas in an address?

Commas are typically used to separate elements in an address such as the street, city, state, and zip code. For example, in the address "123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345," commas are used to separate the street, city, and state elements.

What are appropriate uses for commas?

A list.Two independent clausesAn introductionSomething that can be removed from the sentence without changing the meaning drastically.

What are the three main things commas do?

Uses of Commas 1. to separate three or more things in the series Example: oranges, apples, grapes, and guavas 2. to connect two independent clauses (use comma + conjunction) Example: He went to look for the dog, but it wasn't there. 3. to set off introductory element Example: Leaving the house, Allan left his wallet.

Why do commas help?

In formal prose, commas and other punctuation marks are used to help the reader follow the structure of a sentence. In writing dialogue, they may be used to indicate pauses in speech. The two uses do not necessarily lead to the same results.