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Q: Which sentence correctly uses commas with dialogue?
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Why do commas help?

In formal prose, commas and other punctuation marks are used to help the reader follow the structure of a sentence. In writing dialogue, they may be used to indicate pauses in speech. The two uses do not necessarily lead to the same results.

What is mistake of punctuation in a sentence?

Most people use commas incorrectly. They either don't use them(,) even when the sentence needs a comma. Or, a writer, uses, too, many commas, and makes, the sentence, confusing, such as in this sentence. NOTE: Extra commas in the above sentence are used to show the problem with using too many commas. Please do NOT 'correct' that sentence.

Which one of these uses commas correctly?

Without seeing the examples you provided, I can't confirm which one uses commas correctly. However, in general, commas are used to separate items in a list, set off introductory phrases or clauses, and separate independent clauses in compound sentences. Make sure to check for consistency and clarity when using commas.

What are the main uses of commas?

Commas are used to separate items in a list, set off introductory phrases or clauses, separate independent clauses in a compound sentence, and set off nonessential information in a sentence.

What are appropriate uses for commas?

A list.Two independent clausesAn introductionSomething that can be removed from the sentence without changing the meaning drastically.

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Their house is over there; they're not there.

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What sentence uses a homophone correctly?

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Do Mexicans use commas?

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Jim grabbed a bottle of ketchup. To go with his fries

What are two uses for commas?

sepreted and created