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Q: What are the major approaches to operation management?
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What major operation did Henri Matisse have?

he is a lej

What the important of risk management?

Risk Management is extremely important because every project has atleast a few Risks that may affect it and if the manager doesnt plan for them, there is a 100% probability that the project will be a failure. That is why every manager has to plan risk management and execute the plan diligently Risk management planning is the process used to decide how the risk management activities for the project at hand will be performed. The major goals for planning risk management are threefold: Ensure that the type, level, and visibility of risk management are proportionate to the actual risk involved in the project and the importance of the project to the organization; secure sufficient resources, including time for risk management activities; and set up an agreed-upon basis for evaluating risks. To be more explicit, you use the risk management planning process to determine the following: • How to approach the risk management activities for this project • How to plan the risk management activities • How to execute the risk management activities

What are the essential characteristics of effective and successful project management?

the best way of effective project management is the listing down of all the activities, scheduling those activities as per their priority and performing those activities as per the schedule and time decided. the completion of the activity on time has a major impact of the project management. the key characteristics of project management is divided into three phase that is 1. planning 2. scheduling 3. implement and control. it has a major impact on any of the project and failure and success depends on the above three points.Successful Project Managers can be characterized by the following:- Detail oriented- Outstanding Communications Skills- Respectful- High level of energy- Good negotiation skills- Flexibility when adapting to changes- Good ethics

What is the primary goal of management?

Environmental management can be so important because our environment gives a part of what we are whether our culture are dirty people or clean, it is also nice to live in a nice,clean place which is not polluted. It is also important to get people live in that place if a certain city, country is polluted no one will think of living there and visitors will have a negative point of view on that place.

How a tsunami wave forms in the deep part of the ocean and what happens as it approaches land?

I think their is an earthquake in the ocean and it roles up into a huge wave and when it approches land it is as biggest as it can get and boom it hits the land

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What are the approaches to managing?

There are many approaches to corporate management including management by objectives. The management style chosen depends on how the executive management team chooses to meet their strategic objectives.

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The difference between MSc in operation management and MBA in operation management is that MSc in operation management leads to a general manager while the latter leads to an operations manager.

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Approaches of management?

Most management styles fall within one of three types of approaches. The approaches are Active Listening, Cultivating, and Steering. Each approach has benefits and weaknesses.

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1. scientific management 2. Henri fayol and management process school 3. human relations movement 4. quantitative approaches 5. general system theory 6. management culture

What is the difference between MSc in operation management and MBA in operation management?

Msc in Operation Management would be a specialized course in operations whereas an MBA in Operation Management is more of a general management course where you can take a specialization.

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The major branches of management are financial management, marketing management, human resource management, strategic management, production management, operations management, service management and information technology management. The efficient and effective operation of a business, and study of this subject, is called management.