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1. Algae.

2. Dead Organic Matter (from algae, plants, bacteria etc).

3. Silt & Sediment from shoreline erosion.

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Q: What are the major contributors towards the turbidity of water?
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Turbidity current density results from water mixing with what substance?

Turbidity refers to the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid. Turbidity current density results from water mixing with sediment particles.

What causes turbidity in rivers?

Turbidity in rivers is caused by the flowing water picking up sediment, which muddies the water.

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What is an abiotic that affects a fresh water ecosystem?

temperature, current, and turbidity A+temperature, current, and turbidity

How does water flow affect turbidity?

i have tested the to doing charts and graphs and when stream flow is fast the turbidity raises and and when the stream flow decreases so does the turbidity

How much turbidity is bad in water?

Well, turbidity is the measurement of how much sediment is suspended in water. So high amounts of turbidity are not good, because it can suffocate the stream and block sunlight from the animals living in the stream.

What effect would turbidity have on photosynthesis?

turbidity is the level of transparency of the water. if the turbidity of the water is really good then the sunlight can get through to the organisms that need to photosynthesize. on the other hand if the water is too murky then the sunlight cannot pass through to those organisms.

How is turbidity measured?

Turbidity (clarity) of water can be measured with a WAV monitor of a Nephelometer. WAV monitors use a turbidity tube that allows an estimate of water quality based on a visual assessment of the amount of light that is scattered and absorbed in the water sample. This method is useful during and immediately after rain storms. When measuring turbidity in the laboratory, a meter called a Nephelometer is used. It measures the amount of light scattered by the particles in the water in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs). Deb

What instrument measures water quality?

A handheld turbidity meter measures turbidity of a water sample. The meter is calibrated using standard samples from the meter manufacturer. The picture with the three glass vials shows turbidity standards of 5, 50, and 500 NTUs. Once the meter is calibrated to correctly read these standards, the turbidity of a water sample can be taken.

What is the role of density in turbidity currents?

Density's role is to push the cloudy turbid water under the less dense surrounding water to start the turbidity currents

What is water turbidity?

The term turbidity refers to murkiness, the cloudiness of water due to invisible suspended particles, typically mud or solutes.

Is turbulence the same as turbidity?

No, turbulence and turbidity are not the same. Turbulence refers to the chaotic movement of fluids, such as air or water. Turbidity, on the other hand, is a measure of how cloudy or murky water is due to the presence of suspended particles like silt or organic matter.