

Best Answer

Well. some people are black, some people are white, and some people are even yellow

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Q: What are the major division of ethics?
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What are the two division of ethics?

general and special ethics

Major tenets of ecocentric ethics?

Every living thing is intrinsically valuable and should be respected

What will a can manager do if he was told to do something that is against company's ethics?

I would report it to the Human Resouce Division.

What is the major division?

the answer is that we should use division to divide statistics

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Lamentations lised in the major prophets as it is written by Jeremiah.

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major subdivision of navigation

What is the difference of christian morality with ethics?

both of them should be consistent with each other. Ethics are the laws which God gives to us and the morality is how we live these laws inour lives. There must not be a division between these.

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The major problem with horizontal division of labor is that it can result in job boredom and even degradation of the worker

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The major problem with horizontal division of labor is that it can result in job boredom and even degradation of the worker

Who among the following regarded political science a sub-division of Ethics and the function of the State was to produce virtuous people?

Aristotle is the philosopher who regarded political science as a sub-division of Ethics and believed that the function of the State was to produce virtuous people. He emphasized the importance of cultivating moral character and virtue in citizens for the well-being of the state.

What are the major philosophical areas of inquiry?

epistemology,metaphysics,logic,ethics and aesthetic

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