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Q: What are the major reasons of community decline?
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What are the major reasons for the decline in communal living in the pacific?

The major decline of pacific communal are pass on from one parents to the next generation. The adopted values that they pass, whether they learn it from the traditional culture; the value, ways of behaviour, or they learn it from the western culture. Remember its about give and take.

What are the major reasons for the decline in communal life in the Pacific?

i think, it is probably due to westernization,cultural explotation,social changes and the improved economic infrastrsucture.

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if its a community with a high per capita income that is flourishing yes. If it is a community on the decline then no.

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Poachers hunting this endangered species has made the number of their population decline.

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The answer is that they just pooped

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The decline Bad emperors Inflation with economy Mercenarie army Too big