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Q: What are the major rituals and beliefs of Religion of Buddhism?
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What is the major rituals of Buddhism?

The ordination of monks and nuns and the bi-weekly recitation of the rules for monks and nuns. Some schools of Buddhism have additional rituals.

What is Thailand's major religion?

The national religion of Thailand is Theravada Buddhism.

What 3 major beliefs are Buddhism?

It is bir

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Therevada Buddhism

In what nations has Buddhism largely?

The Asian nations where Buddhism is a major religion in China, Japan, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka. It is also a major a religion in Thailand and in Nepal.

What are major Japanese religious beliefs?

Before the end of World War II, Shinto was the state religion.

What is East Asia's major religion?

East Asia has no one dominant religion. Buddhism is certainly the most common religion, but since Buddhism lacks a strong orthopraxis and a strong orthodoxos, it can be mixed with local beliefs, such as Dao, Confucianism, Shinto, and Cao Dai. Additionally, many East Asians follow Christianity and Islam as informed by Buddhism. It is also worth noting that there are different general strains of Buddhism, like Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, and Zen Buddhism. It is not a monolithic religion any more than Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism.

What are some of Buddhism major beliefs?

desire leads to suffering and to have faith.

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What are the major rituals and beliefs of religion of Hinduism?

Major rituals include Annaprashan (giving the first bite of cereals to the child), Vidyarambha (first step towards studies), Upanayana or Yajnopavita (giving of the sacred thread), Marriage, and Last rites. Among the beliefs, I would include belief in God, rebirth, karma, and 'dharma' (fulfillment of one's duties and righteous action). Please note that the rituals and beliefs of hindus may differ from one region to another, and from one sect to another.

What is Taiwan's major religion?

The major religion in Taiwan is a mix of Buddhism, Taoism, and traditional Chinese folk religions. About one-third of the population identifies as either Buddhist or Taoist, while many people also practice a combination of these beliefs alongside folk traditions.