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The maroon symbol is the "Abeng" a horn used by the Maroons to communicate over long distances. During the maroon Wars of 1655-1738, and 1796 these horns were used to warn the community of the pending attacks by English troops. They communicated troop size, direction they were travelling and armour carried. This information gave the Maroons a six hour warning to plan , organize and execute ambushes on the soldiers.

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3d ago

The maroon symbols refer to the symbols found within the "MAROON" project by EmojiPedia, which includes a set of stylized "M" symbols resembling the letter M in different designs and orientations. These symbols are categorized as part of the "MAROON" collection within the Emoji 14.0 update.

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Why the crescent and the star are important royal symbols?

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Is there a flag for the Aztecs?

The Aztecs did not have a flag as we know it today. Flags as national symbols were not commonly used in the same way during the time of the Aztec civilization.

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