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Giardia lamblia under Giardia sp. a Parasite found in the intestine on mankind that causes steatorrhea, and malabsorption syndrome.

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Q: What are the mastigophora protozoa that are parasitic aside from trypanosome and Leishamania?
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Mastigophora- protozoa that are also parasitic aside from Trypanosome and Leishmania?


What is the group of protozoa that have flagella?


How many cells do a protozoa have?

A trypanosome is just one single cell!

Are protozoa decomposer?

Only some protozoa are decomposers as giant Amoeba . Most protozoa are saprotrophic , some parasitic and some photosynthetic .

What is an example of one cells organism?

Here are some examples of one-celled organisms (also known as unicellular organisms): Amoeba, Bacteria, Protista, Protozoa, Flagellata, and Mastigophora.

What is a one celled organism example?

Here are some examples of one-celled organisms (also known as unicellular organisms): Amoeba, Bacteria, Protista, Protozoa, Flagellata, and Mastigophora.

What is an example of a one cell organism?

Here are some examples of one-celled organisms (also known as unicellular organisms): Amoeba, Bacteria, Protista, Protozoa, Flagellata, and Mastigophora.

Is Human African Trypanosomiasis or African Sleeping Sickness viral or bacterial?

I believe its Protozoa Parasitic .

What mode of nutrition do animal-like protists have?

Protozoa have ingestive heterotrophic nutrition.

Is malaria caused by a parasitic worm?

Malaria is transmitted through Mosquitoes. The saliva of the female anopheles mosquito contains a protozoa that infects the humans and animals with the malaria parasite.

Protozoa are classified according to their what?

Protozoans have four groups of classification. The four protozoan groups are Phylum Ciliphora, Phylum Mastigophora, Phylum Sarcodina and Multicellular animals.

What is the one characteristic that the phyla Zoomastigina Ciliophora Sarcodina and Sporozoa have in common?

Kingdom Protozoa posses: Ciliaphora, Sarcomastigophora, and sporozoa Sarcomastigophora are pseudopods or flagellates and contain superclass sarcodina and mastigophora...mastigophora contains the class zoomastigophora basically the obvious commonality is that they are all PROTOZOANS...look at a phylum tree or a dichotomy tree you will be able to find commonalities amongst them...