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Merits: Encourages social cohesion and community bonding, preserves cultural traditions and values, provides a sense of identity and belonging.

Demerits: Promotes discrimination and inequality, hinders social mobility and opportunities for individuals, reinforces rigid social hierarchies, perpetuates stereotypes and biases.

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Q: What are the merits and demerits of casteism?
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Merits and demerits of sample survey?

Merits: Sample surveys are cost-effective, time-efficient, and allow for data collection from a large population subset. They can provide valuable insights into attitudes, opinions, and behaviors. Demerits: Sample surveys may suffer from sampling bias, leading to results that are not representative of the population. There can also be issues with survey design, response rates, and interpretation of results.

What are the merits of kinship?

Kinship provides a sense of belonging, emotional support, and stability within families or communities. It helps in building strong relationships based on shared history, traditions, and values. Additionally, kinship can provide a support system during times of need and can contribute to the well-being of individuals by fostering a sense of identity and connection.

What are the merits of modernisation?

Modernization can lead to improved efficiency, increased productivity, and technological advancements. It can also promote economic growth and development, create new job opportunities, and enhance living standards by providing access to better services and infrastructure. Additionally, modernization can drive social and cultural change, fostering innovation and progress in various aspects of society.

Why is it unfair to show prejudice based on race or gender?

It is unfair to show prejudice based on race or gender because it perpetuates harmful stereotypes, limits individual opportunities, and undermines the principle of equality. Treating individuals differently based on inherent characteristics they cannot change denies them the chance to be judged on their merits and contributes to systemic injustice.

What are the merit demerit of television on the basis of speech?

Merit: Television allows for mass communication and can be used to educate, inform, and entertain people from diverse backgrounds through speech. It can also be a platform for public discourse and raising awareness on important issues. Demerit: Television speech can be manipulated or biased, leading to misinformation and manipulation of public opinion. It can also contribute to a decline in critical thinking skills as people passively consume information without questioning its validity.

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