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Advantages and Limitation of Sampling: 1. Sampling saves time and labour. 2. It results in reduction of cost in terms of money and manhour. 3. Sampling ends up with greater accuracy of results. 4. It has greater scope. 5. It has greater adaptability. 6. If the population is too large, or hypothetical or destroyable sampling is the only method to be used. The limitations of sampling are given below: 1. Sampling is to be done by qualified and experienced persons. Otherwise, the information will be unbelievable. 2. Sample method may give the extreme values sometimes instead of the mixed values. 3. There is the possibility of sampling errors.

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1mo ago

Merits of sampling methods include cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, and the ability to provide accurate representation of a population. Demerits can include sampling bias, limited generalizability, and potential for sampling errors to occur.

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