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Q: What are the metals with their s and d sub levels partially full?
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Can ice be as hard as steel in sub zero levels?

Yes, there are times that ice can be as hard as steel in sub zero levels.

Can metals fracture after being sub degree temperature?

The phrase "sub degree" does not have any real meaning. At a sub 10000 degrees C temperature all metals would be molten and, being in liquid form, they cannot fracture.

What is energy levels sub-levels?

Sub energy pretty much explains itself: It is below energy level

How many sub levels does silver have?


How many sublevel are there in the principal energy levels?

The range of the levels is between 0 to n-1. 3 minus 1 equals to 2, so we have 0, 1, 2 as sub levels. They are the same number of sub-levels.

My shoulder I've been told is sub- lux what is it?

It means that the joint is partially dislocated.

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What is a regions where electrons are likely to be found?

sub levels

Define the sub levels of elements?

its the shape of an orbital

What are the sub categories of the periodic table of elements?

Metals, and nonmetals.

How many different sub levels are in the second energy?


How many sub levels are in energy level 2?