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Coton,linen, hemp

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Q: What are the meterials that come from animals or plants?
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Describe how the breathing of plants and animals complement one another?

The carbon dioxide that plants take in come from animals. The oxygen that animals take in come from the plants.

How do animals support plants?

plants need carbon dioxide which come from animals respiration

Where do you think the tiny remains of plants and animals in the stream come from?

Tiny remains of animals and plants in streams come from the mountains. When it rains, these remains are washed down the mountains toward the streams.

Where do living things can from?

Plants come from seeds, and people and animals come from their mothers.

How does energy from animals come originally from the sun?

Animals get their energy from other animals that have eaten plants or from plants themselves. Plants get their energy to produce sugars from the sun.

Where does food you eat come from?

from animals and plants.

Why does animals come before plants?

Animals were created first, then shortly after plants were created because some animals were made to not eat meat, so plants were created.

Are fern fossils considered animals?

Fern fossils come from ferns. Ferns are plants, not animals. Hence, fern fossils are plants, not animals.

Where does decayed matter come from?

Dead Animals and plants?

Why do animals come after plants in a food chain?

plants do not eat animals obviously but they are at the top because plants are in everything burgers and the rest of food everything some how links to plants!

Does leather come from plants and animals?

Leather comes from cowhide.

Do animals or plants repair damaged structures?

no because plants can not come back to life when plants are dead they are dead