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The Catholic Church allows Natural Family Planning if a couple has a serious reason for avoiding pregnancy. Natural Family Planning is when a couple abstains from marital relations during the woman's fertile period.

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Q: What are the methods of planning that are supported by the Catholic Church?
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What is your stand on the catholic church in the use of natural methods of family planning?

It is morally acceptable if there is a serious reason for using it.

How does the Roman Catholic Church feel towards contraceptives?

The Roman Catholic Church opposes the use of artificial contraceptives, teaching that it is morally wrong and goes against the natural law. The Church promotes natural methods of family planning, such as the use of fertility awareness and periodic abstinence, as these methods do not interfere with the natural procreative aspect of sexual intercourse.

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The hierarchy of the Catholic Church in California supported Proposition 8.

How do Catholic women not get pregnant?

The way a Catholic woman, if keeping with the teachings of the Church, cannot get pregnant is through natural family planning(NFP). There are many different methods and some have been scientifically proven to prevent pregnancy. NFP is the only form of birth control approved by the Catholic Church.

Why are catholic church against to rh bill?

The Catholic Church is against the RH bill because it promotes the use of artificial contraception, which goes against the church's teachings on the sanctity of life and the importance of natural family planning methods. The church advocates for the protection of life from conception, and believes that artificial contraception interferes with this principle.

Did the Catholic Church support the Fascists?

The Catholic Church has never supported the Fascists, Nazis or Communists. The Church tends to support democratic forms of government today.

Why did the Catholic Church support Hitler and left priests who opposed him to die or be murdered in concentration camps?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church never supported Hitler.

Who supported the Catholic Church as the national church of France?

Evidentally the Gallican movement, long-long gone.

How do women not get pregnant?

The way a Catholic woman, if keeping with the teachings of the Church, cannot get pregnant is through natural family planning(NFP). There are many different methods and some have been scientifically proven to prevent pregnancy. NFP is the only form of Birth Control approved by the Catholic Church.

In what way does the catholic church favor family planning?

The Catholic church favors the Natural Family Planning method of controlling pregnancies. This works by avoiding intercourse during certain phases of a woman's menstrual cycle.

Why did the Catholic Church prohibit teaching about sunspots?

This was done because the Catholic church leaders believed this implied there was imperfection in the Creation. This was a teaching of man, and not Biblically supported.

My Catholic son married a non Catholic in a non-denominational church he is divorced and is now planning to remarry a Catholic in the Catholic church is this allowed?

A divorced man/ woman cannot get married in the catholic church again. The sacrament of matrimony can be received only once in the Roman Catholic Church.