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Fertilizers which require a mechanical/manual mixture before their application. They cannot be manufactured in readymade form due to their hygroscopic nature

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Q: What are the mixed fertilizers?
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What do mixed chemical fertilizers do?

Thes feritilizers are more efficient.

Why do fish die if chemical fertilizers are mixed with water?

They breathe in the chemical water to get oxygen.

What advantages do mixed synthetic fertilizers have over compost?

Fast action and immediate impact are the advantages that mixed synthetic fertilizers have over compost. Mixed synthetic fertilizers offer rapid releases of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that rarely result in anything other than prompt, lush roots and shoots growth. In contrast, compost tends to be more balanced in offering macro- and micro-nutrients in slow releases that ape Mother Nature's ways and lead to less dramatic but healthier, steadier growth patterns and yields.

Can you give examples for mixed fertilizers?

Examples of agriculture Fertilizers are granular Triple superphosphate, Potassium chloride, Urea, Anhydrous ammonia The main fertiliser groups are Nitrogen Phosphate and Potash all the rest are trace elements.Seaweed Compost Fish emulsion Rock dust Leaf mold Worm compost Worm pee

Where do the containers that hold chemical fertilizers go?

Empty containers which held chemical fertilizers can usually be disposed of normally. If those fertilizers were mixed with herbicides ("weed and feed" formulas) you will have to follow the guidelines of your local waste disposal system. Many municipalities have special centers or special days when you can bring in all your potentially hazardous waste.

What are Jordan's exports?

The country of Jordan exports phosphates and potassic fertilizers. Jordan also exports mixed mineral and chemical fertilizer and knit sweaters.

Why are artificial fertilizers needed?

Artificial fertilizers are used and needed for a number of reasons. These fertilizers help meet the deficit made by real fertilizers.

How do fertilizers affect resources?

the affect of fertilizers on the resources is that our farmers use fertilizers in order to maintain the fertility of soil except organic fertilizers

What are the examples of chemical fertilizers?

examples of fertilizers

Fertilizers a curse as well as a boon?

fertilizers are good for crops but access of fertilizers can be a curse on crops

What are the objectives of fertilizers?

Accessibility, consistency, ease, economy, impact, safety, uniformity and versatility are the objectives of liquid fertilizers. Liquid fertilizers blend easily and treat the ground with mixed iron, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium cheaply and uniformly from spray bottles or sprinkler attachments. They function as starter and in-season applications that act quickly and impact immediately early in the morning, late in the afternoon and on overcast days.

Can calcium nitrate fertilizer be mixed with urea?

If Urea is used, it should be incorporated into the soil on the day of Application Calcium nitrate fertilizer should not be mixed with urea, because the combination of the two fertilizers will generate the precipitation of calcium and plants can not absorb. Urea should not be mixed with other chemicals such as KCl, SSP or TSP.