

What are the molds that grow on bread?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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penicillin is the most common mold to grow on bread

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Q: What are the molds that grow on bread?
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What food does mold grow on best?

This depends on the mold. eg: Bread molds grow on bread.

What are some of the molds that grow on bread?

One type of mold found on bread is Rizopus.

The group of fungi that includes the molds that often grow on bread is the?


What molds the fastest white bread wheat bread multi grain bread or sourdough bread?

i think multigrain will grow faster because it has more chemical and proteins.

What does moled grow on faster bread or a bush?

On bread which is just pure food. A bush has a number of natural defenses against molds.

Which bread molds the fastest bakery bread or store bought bread?

by letting air get to it Also, it will grow if it is put in a dampish, wet, and place without a lot of light.

Do white bread and wheat bread grow the same mold?

White bread is wheat bread, so yes, bread made from different types of wheat flour would grow similar or identical molds, depending on exposure to various types of mold spores.

Are cheese molds the same as bread molds?

No. They are not the same.

What is the characteristic of Bread Molds?

The Mold On The Bread .

Why does a certain bread grow mold faster than others?

The mold requires water to grow, and there is substantially more water in bread than in toast, which has been dehydrated by heating. Moistened bread has still more water for molds to use.

What is a procedures for what molds faster moist bread or dry bread?

Mold requires moisture and heat to grow. An open bag of bread is more apt to dry than to mold. Dry bread is most commonly used for bread crumbs and very rarely will dry bread mold.

Which bread molds faster wheat or white?

Wheat bread molds faster because it has fewer preservatives than white bread.