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Protein is a macromolecule found in chicken wings. In fact, protein is throughout a chicken because meat is a protein.

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Q: What are the monomers of the macromolecules in chicken?
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What are the monomers that make up the 4 biological macromolecules?

The monomers of nucleic acids are nucleotides.Of polysaccharides: monosaccharides.Of polypeptides (the chains that make up proteins): amino acids.Lipids are macromolecules, but are not polymers, so they do not have monomers.

Macromolecule formed when monomers are joined together?

Polymers are the macromolecules formed when monomers join together.polymer

Do monomers make up macromolecules?

If the macromolecule is a polymer, then yes it is made of monomers. There can be some irregular macromolecules that are not polymers and thus are not made of monomers, but they are special cases (e.g. carbon nanotubes with attached side groups).

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How do macromolecules form-?

by adding monomers to create a polymer, at a certain time, a polymer becomes a macromolecule

What builds macromolecules up from monomers and releases water?

Dehydration synthesis.

What is the basic structure of a macromolecules?

It is called a monomer. Monomers together form polymer.