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The main consideration would be eugenics.

Autistic people are not worth less than neurotypical people, we are of equal value and even those who are severely effected at some point in their lives can still live happily. Our culture is very ableist against Autistic people so if pre-natal screening existed it is likely that many parents would choose to abort - there's nothing wrong with abortion, but there is something wrong with a culture that would mean parents would want to abort Autistic people thinking that we're inferior.

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I'll give you a brief answer. We must weight the death and suffering of innocent unborn people against the chance that we could improve millions of lives in the long run.

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Q: What are the moral and ethical issues and opinions on prenatal testing for autism?
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What can you do to people who have autism?

It would not be ethical or legal to do anything TO people who have autism.

Are there prental tests for autism?

No, there are no prenatal tests for Autism.Organizations such as Autism Speaks are attempting to create prenatal screening as they wish to eradicate Autistic people from the human race which could be achieved by supporting abortion of Autistic fetuses. Obviously many Autistic people and advocates are very much against this.

Are there prenatal test for autism?

No, fortunately there is no pre-natal screening for autism.Some organisations, such as Autism Speaks, are aiming to bring about pre-natal screening in an attempt to stop Autistic people being born. As it is we don't know fully the causes of autism to be able to detect it outside of diagnosis from behaviour.

Is there a way to detect a carrier of autism?

Yes, testing the mother for skewed x-inactivation.

What is the name of one psychological test used on children where autism is suspected?

There are many different types of psychological tests that are done on children when testing them for autism. One of the more common ones is a behavioral assessment.

Is it possible to develop autism after birth?

No, there is currently no prenatal screening for autism. There is research being carried out to determine autism while the baby is within the womb, however many within the autism community are concerned that this will lead to abortion of autistic children, which in turn has knock-on effects on autistic rights.

Is autism bad?

It depends on your definition of bad. For example, if being different is bad, autism is bad. If viewing the world in a different way, perhaps noticing things that other people have missed, is good, autism is good. There are characteristics of autism that make life more difficult for the person with autism and his or her family. There are characteristics that other people might envy, such as excellent memories. Whether or not autism is bad is a subjective view. You can get opinions, but not definitive answers to that question.

What do you think it would be like to be a sibling of someone with autism?

I imagine it would be testing and even frustrating at times, but it would also be a gift to have someone with autism in the family. I don't have autistic siblings, but I've had and still have many autistic friends and they're great guys and girls.

How do you spell Autism ?


What is infantile autism?

Infantile Autism is when a baby or toddler (an Infant) has autism.

What is adult autism?

Basicly, autism is something you are born to have, not something that you could grow into. So, adult autism, means that a child with autism grows up and become an adult with autism. However, if you didn't find out that you have autism until you are an adult, then your autism must be the mild kind on the entire autism spectrum.

Is autism biological?

Biologial. Autism is neurodevelopmental. There are hereditary and genetic ties to autism.