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Q: What are the most common elements in old stars?
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How is there oxygen in stars?

Most stars that are around today are made of old material from dead stars. Those old stars produced oxygen as a product once they started fusing helium and heavier elements. Some old stars are currently producing oxygen through nuclear fusion.

How old do stars get?

Most stars get about 1-10 billion years old.

Two common names for the flag are Stars and Stripes and?

Old Glory.

Name the gases that make up most stars?

Hydrogen and helium. It's better to ask which two ELEMENTS make up the bulk of the stars, since ALL elements in a star are in the gaseous state.

Nicknames for the us flag?

Old Glory is one of the nicknames used for the US flag. The stars and stripes is another common nickname.

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Farmers,slaves,and servants was the most common occupation in the Old Kingdom.

What are some galaxy facts?

most ellipical galaxies have old stars

What elements are in stars?

All stars are primarily hydrogen, which is the most common element in the universe. As they fuse hydrogen, they create helium, and sometimes lithium. In old stars that have run short on hydrogen fuel, they will begin to fuse the helium "ash" of the original fusion into carbon, oxygen, and other heavier elements. VERY large and massive stars will fuse that material into every element all the way up to iron. IN the moment of its death, very massive stars explode in supernova explosions. This fuses the iron and other heavy metal elements into every element up beyond gold, lead and uranium. The core of the massive star is crushed into a neutron star or, in extreme cases, into a black hole. The middle and outer layers of the star are blasted back into space, including much of the metal mass created in the instant of the supernova. From the fact that our Sun contains traces of heavier elements (and from the fact that the Earth contains metal elements like iron and lead) we know that our solar system is a 3rd generation star, formed from the detritus of previous stars.

What is the most common weight for a ten year old?

35 kgs is d most common weight for a ten year old

What elements make up the stars in globular clusters?

The same as on Earth - but in different proportions. Most stars are made up almost entirely of hydrogen and helium; the so-called "metals" (heavier elements) are present in much smaller quantities.

Do New stars form from the material of old stars.?

From the material of old stars.

Why do astronomers believe that globular clusters are made of old stars?

Astronomers believe the globular clusters are made of old stars because of the lack of heavy elements. The heavy element is very abundant in stars like our sun, so the theory is the globular cluster must be older and formed in a more primitive universe.