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Q: What are the most common physical changes that occur?
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Why are most physical changes reversable?

Most physical changes are reversible because the changes only occur in in the appearance. =)

Which occurs more often on earth physical changes or chemical changes?

what involves both chemical and physical change on earths surface

Are all physical changes reversible with examples?

Not all physical changes are reversible because most times when such changes occur parts of the substance is lost to the environment.

Where on earth would most physical from temperature changes be most common?

Physical weathering from temperature changes is most common on the shorelines, because waves are able to take down rocks that have been weathers. They would be least noticeable inland, in desert areas with little forestation.

When do most weather changes occur?

There is not a specific time when weather changes occur except for the changing of the seasons.

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Are all physical changes accompanied by chemical changes?

Not all chemical changes are accompanied by a visible physical change. Most chemical changes however will be accompanied by a physical change.

What is the differences of a chemical change and a physical change?

Chemical changes occur when the elements, their valences, and their amounts change. 4H + O2 => 2H2O is a chemical change because the valences change from unfilled to shared. Physical changes occur when the material phase changes. In fact, in 4H + O2 => 2H2O we also have a physical change...from gas to liquid water (in most cases). NOTE: That there was a chemical change here is incidental, the phase change is the physical change.

What are some of the non physical changes which occur during adolescence?

There are many non-physical changes that occur during adolescence, most notably the large increase in the number of conections between neurons in the brain. this is what causes the sporadic behaviour in adolescents, and helps the brain and personality to develop by 'trimming' the unnecessary synapses. The flood of hormones (testosterone and oestrogen in men and women respectively) that causes the physical changes also cause a development in the sexuality of the adolescent (it makes the horny).

What season do tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes can occur in any season but are most common in the spring.

What is the effect of physical changes?

Physical changes do not change the properties of the substance. You can get back the original state of the substance in most cases by reversing the physical process.