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Some of the common symptoms of nose Allergies are constant sneezing, runny/stuffy nose, congestion, Itchy/watery eyes and postnasal drip. Some medication available to treat those symtoms are any allergy medication (i.e allegra) or any sort of nasal spray.

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Q: What are the most common symptoms of nose allergies?
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Some of the most common allergy symptoms include runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, itchy nose or eyes, nasal pressure and hives. Generally, allergies are caused by pollen, mold, dust and pet dander. Often allergy medicine is taken to help alleviate these symptoms. Antihistamines are used to help reduce various symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing and itchiness. Decongestants are used to help relieve a stuffy nose. It is recommended that a doctor be consulted before taking either of these medications.

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Absolutely. Allergies, or intolerance, can produce an almost endless array of symptoms.

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The most common symptoms of a cold are coughing, runny nose, congestion, and headaches. Some other symptoms that are less common are swelling and drowsiness.

What are the common symptoms of dog allergies?

Dogs who have allergies frequently exhibit the following symptoms: chewing their feet often, licking their flank or groin often, rubbing their face often, wheezing, discharge in ears/nose, and bald spots in fur.

What symptoms should I look for with mold allergies?

The symptoms to look for with mold allergies are nose bleeds and shortness of breath.Also loss of appetite and feeling light headed and also memory loss.

What symptoms are associated with mold allergies?

Mold alergies can cause coughing, itchy eyes, nose and throat, sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny or stuffy nose. Mold allergies may cause someone with asthma to have a severe asthma attack which may include wheezing, chest tightness or trouble breathing. The Mayo Clinic website has some very helpful information regarding Mold Allergies along with other health related issues. The following link will take you right to the "symptoms of mold allergies":

What are the symptoms for mold allergies?

Themost common symptoms for mold allergies include headache, hives, itchiness, coughing, diffuculty breathing, sinus,fullness of lungs and also fever.

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What are the symptoms of Pollen Allergy?

Pollen allergies are a seasonal nuisance for many people. Symptoms of this allergy include congestion, soar throat, runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. Pollen allergies may also trigger asthma attacks. These symptoms usually occur during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. For most people a pollen allergy can be controlled with over the counter medication. If the symptoms persist though it may be necessary to see an allergist for a prescription.