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after watching many programs on the discovery channel (Austin Stevens etc) i would say that the most dangerous snakes are the puff adder (a viper that has a broad head with a skinny neck, it blends in well with the sand and can be found in urban areas, it has a neurotoxic venom that destroys blood and tissue this snake has one of the fastest strikes in the world at 20fps) another is the horned viper, has two horns above the eyes, again a broad head with slender neck, which is typical of a viper these snakes rub their bodies together to create a hissing sound but it is not the snake hissing but the scales on their body rubbing together. The Egyptian cobra, which is very popular in ancient Egyptian history, it was a symbol of the pharoes (or however you spell it) power. These snakes look obviously like the typical cobra, quite dark in color, with the hood, it does not spit although there are other types of cobra in Egypt that do, these too are extremely dangerous. There ar nile crocs which can grow up to 6 metres long and are capable of killing a full grown cow. And obviosly some Spiders and scorpions, those i cannot really help you with though sorry, one thing i can say though is in most cases the smaller scorpions give the more dangerous sting. By the way i am only 16 years old.

after watching many programs on the discovery channel (Austin Stevens etc) i would say that the most dangerous snakes are the puff adder (a viper that has a broad head with a skinny neck, it blends in well with the sand and can be found in urban areas, it has a neurotoxic venom that destroys blood and tissue this snake has one of the fastest strikes in the world at 20fps) another is the horned viper, has two horns above the eyes, again a broad head with slender neck, which is typical of a viper these snakes rub their bodies together to create a hissing sound but it is not the snake hissing but the scales on their body rubbing together. The Egyptian cobra, which is very popular in ancient Egyptian history, it was a symbol of the pharoes (or however you spell it) power. These snakes look obviously like the typical cobra, quite dark in color, with the hood, it does not spit although there are other types of cobra in Egypt that do, these too are extremely dangerous. There ar nile crocs which can grow up to 6 metres long and are capable of killing a full grown cow. And obviosly some spiders and scorpions, those i cannot really help you with though sorry, one thing i can say though is in most cases the smaller scorpions give the more dangerous sting. By the way i am only 16 years old.

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