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The family of B vitamins is very important in having healthy hair. Biotin is extremely good for hair growth and will help maintain healthy hair.

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Q: What are the most effective hair loss vitamins?
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What vitamins might help prevent hair loss in men?

Vitamins A, E and B are supposed to help prevent hair loss in men. Most times hair loss is hereditary and there isn't much that can be done for that except hair plugs.

do certain vitamins fight hair loss?

Yes, there are vitamins you can take that will help in preventing and slowing down hair loss. Most vitamins in the B family, including B5 and B9, will help with scalp circulation, and vitamin E will help with keeping your scalp moist to allow hair to grow easier and faster.

What is most likely a result of hair bleaching?

When you bleach your hair you are taking all the chemicals and vitamins out. To much bleaching will cause breakage and eventually hair loss.

Is Rogaine the best hair loss treatment?

Rogaine is an effective hair loss treatment for many men who are in the initial stages of hair loss, particularly those with thinning or receding hairlines. It has been proven to slow hair loss and in some cases to cause hair to regrow in affected areas. However, there is no one "best" hair loss treatment, the most effective treatment will vary from individual to individual.

Among hair loss shampoos, which brand is the most effective?

The best hair loss shampoo is from Rogaine. Rogaine is a well known company that has produced hair products like dyes and shampoos to help stop hair loss.

Which hair loss supplements are good to prevent hair loss?

Procerin is effective in reversing hair loss in men caused by androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of male hair loss. NIOXIN 3-Part System Kits are tailored to individual hair and scalp needs.

Where can I get weight loss vitamins?

You could get weight loss vitamins at your local pharmacy or you could purchase them online. Your local pharmacy will most likely carry weight loss vitamins for cheap.

What are some hair loss treatments that are most effective?

There are a wide range of hair loss treatments available. A few examples of what works are: DHT inhibitors, growth stimulants, anti-androgens and anti-inflammatories.

What Vitamins help facial hair grow?

ive heard of a few that help grow facial hair and make beard thicker such as B-6 (pretty much most of the B-complex vitamins too), magnesium, fish oild and a few others but the B-6 will have to be one of the most effective.

Can sugar damage your hair?

Sugar can't damage your hair. There are many causes of hair damage like deficiency in vitamins B. If you have hair loss problems, there are a lot of hair loss treatments tips available. You just need to find the right one for you. The most interesting would be the homemade hair treatments, as they are easy to do, quite cheap, and nonetheless very efficient. There are many tips about hair loss in the related link.

Hair Loss Treatment that Works?

When it comes right down to it, you know that the vast majority of people selling some miracle hair loss treatment are only selling snake oil. There are a lot of tonics and treatments out there that just plain don't work. Because of this, a lot of people who are losing their hair assume that there's really no such thing as an effective, real, working hair loss treatment. Not so. The truth is that there are several ways of dealing with hair loss, and here they are.MinoxidilMinoxidil is the most effective and time tested and true form of hair loss treatment. There are upsides and downside, though. The upside is that it works, really well, and it will help you grow thick hair in no time. It's effective almost one hundred percent of the time. The downside is that you need to keep using it, and it will grow hair almost anywhere you put it. If you stop, the hair will fall out. Still, it works, and it works well.Hormone TreatmentsWhen you're losing hair due to stress or hormone imbalances, hormone treatments can often help. By applying certain hormones and vitamins directly to the scalp, hair can be made to grow in thicker and more fully. This is effective in some forms of hair loss, but not usually in male pattern baldness. Still, it's a common method for women who are experiencing hair loss.Hair Plugs, ImplantsImplants are sort of a last resort for many who are losing their hair. Many find that it just never quite looks right and the term Doll Hair is often used. The truth is that it works, it can look good, but you need a talented doctor to implant the hair just right in order for it to look real, and it doesn't grow naturally from the roots like the real hair you can grow with Minoxidil.There are a lot of options out there, but these seem to be the three most effective and the options that most men and women resort to when losing their hair.

I need weight loss vitamins for bodybuilding.?

Most nutritionist recommend that you use vitamins B, C, D, and E for weight loss and bodybuilding. It is important to supply your muscles with these vitamins in order to achieve your goals.