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Q: What are the most effective medicine for sickle cell disease?
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Is you kiss do you get sickle cell disease?

No. Sickle Cell is not an infectious disease, but is genetic.

Is sickle cell disease a blood cancer?

No, sickle cell disease is not cancerous.

What genetic disorder results in abnormally shaped blood?


How can sickle-cell disease be treated?

Stem cell or bone marrow transplants are the only cure for sickle cell disease

What is the causative agent of sickle cell?

Sickle cell disease is caused when someone inherits sickle shaped hemoglobin. It is a disease that can be managed, but not cured.

Is sickle cell anemia a point mutation?

An example of point-mutation is sickle-cell anemia. Sickle-cell disease is hereditary.

How do doctors diagnose sickle cell disease?

bone marrow transplant is the only known cure of sickle cell disease.

What is a sickle cell project proposal?

A proposal for a project investigating sickle cell disease.

Is sickle cell disease a chromosomal abnormality?

sickle cell is an autosomal recessive disorder

Can a disease cure a disease For example Can Cancer be cured by Sickle Cell Anemia?

well no cancer can not be cured by sickle celled anemia because sickle cell is the abnormalty of the shape of the cell.

Is sickle cell anemia an deficiency disease?

The sickle cell anaemia is not a deficiency disease. It is a hereditary disease caused by defective gene in both the parents.

How does sickle-cell trait differ from sickle-cell disease?

in sickle cell trait you don't actually have the disease. you are only able to pass the disease to your kids if you marry a person with sickle cell or that also has the trait. sickle cell disease is when you actually have the disease. you can pass it to your kids if you marry someone with the trait or the disease. if you marry someone without a trait or disease then your kids will most likely have the trait.