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1) The most important early civilization in the India subcontinent developed by 3000BC Neolithic center on the Indus river such as those at AMIRI ,KULLI… anticipate the development at Harappa

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Calenders, Hammurabi's code laid the ground work for out laws today, Construction techniques, Farming, types of government, pottery,

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Q: What are the most important contributions early civilizations have made to the world?
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What were the most important contrubutions of early civilizations?

The most important contributions of early civilizations were the establishment of laws and rules. These allowed future civilzations to create governments to rule people and countries. Also, their advancement in fields such as math and scence allowed people to better understand the world around them.

What important contributions did the Aztecs make to the world?

the calendar Aztecs

What important contributions did the Inca civilization make to the world?

brain surgury

Why did civilizations began in the places of the world they did?

Civilizations start where people congregate. Early humans were nomadic, and they tended to congregate in places of rich natural resources such as the fertile crescent.

What are the contributions of Emily Dickinson's work?

Emily Dickinson was very important. She served as inspiration to poets for generations to come. She was also one of America's early female poets,allowing females to get into the literary world.

Why are the Harappans important?

The Harappans were important because they developed an early form of south Asian writing, and they had a high civilization with a good standard of living, central government, agriculture, irrigation and sewage systems, and trade with other early civilizations such as Sumer. They shipped copper, cotton, stone beads and tin to many ports in the ancient world.

What were the religious beliefs of different civilizations?

Different civilizations had diverse religious beliefs. For example, ancient Egyptians believed in polytheism and the afterlife, Greeks worshipped a pantheon of gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus, Romans incorporated elements of Greek religion into their own beliefs, and Hindus in ancient India believed in reincarnation and karma. Each civilization had its own unique practices, rituals, and deities that shaped their religious worldview.

What are some causes of cultural diffusion and how did it affect early civilizations?

Some causes of cultural diffusion was when different people traded with each other and when they moved. It affected the early civilizations because they kept spreading ideas around the world and was constantly changing other ideas.

Why were their contributions imortant during Newtons time period and how did the contributions affect the world today?

I am not sure who you are talking about but Newtons laws are very important to physics if that's what you mean.

How do you think abolisshing slavery would have affected Roman society?

Abolishing slavery would have affected the households of the rich and mining. Rich households had many slaves who did domestic and other jobs for them. Miners were slaves because this job was considered a death sentence. It would not have had a significant effect on agricultural production (the mainstay of the economy). Slaves in antiquity were enslaved war captives. When Rome fought wars of expansion she captured and enslaved many captives. Most of them were bought by the owners of large landed estates to work in their field. However: a) they also employed local seasonal agricultural labourers, b) most of the slaves went to Italy and many areas of the Roman Empire did not have slaves, including Egypt, which was the breadbasket of the empire. When Rome's imperial expansion stopped, the supply of slaves dwindled as there were no longer war captives. The large landlords came to rely more on local peasants who were hired as labourers or were tenants who paid a rent for their plots of land.

What are the four important river civilizations of the ancient world?

Alabama,China,Franis,and Gremey.

What is the civilization name for Islam?

It is Islam. The Islamic civilization was one of the most important civilizations upon which the world and European development was based.