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Q: What are the most important source for the moisture or water vapor of the atmosphere?
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What is the principal source of atmospheric moisture?

It is the irrelevant water structured molecules based in the atmosphere, also involved with water vapor.

What are some ways moisture is present in the atmosphere?

water vapor and condensation

If earth had no atmosphere would it be lifeless?

Yes. The atmosphere is a vital source of oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide, all of which are necessary components of life. While it is technically not a source of these, it is a very important sink in which these gases are temporarily stored and cycled.

Which gas is most important for understanding atmosphere processes?

Water Vapor

What does transpiration.mean?

process by which moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere

What Water vapor in the atmosphere is the source of?

Transpiration from plants and evaporation from water. Water is evaporated from ground water and plants release water from their stomatas. These are the main sources of water vapor in the atmosphere

Is steam from a steam train a gas?

No. It is water vapor. It acts similar to gases in some respects, but it is truly water vapor and will add to the atmosphere, when released, as moisture which can then condense and precipitate out, which gases will not do at ambient temperatures.

Why is water vapor important to the atmosphere?

Water vapour forms clouds that bring rain.

How does the amount of water vapor in the air affect evaporation?

The evaporation is less important if the atmosphere is humid.

What are Water vapors that rise from plants into the air?

Transpiration is a process in the Hydrological Cycle where moisture carried through plants changes into vapor and is released from leaves into the atmosphere.

What is the greatest source of evaporated water in the atmosphere?

It is basically the water bodies like the oceans and seas that are the second largest source of water vapor. The plants are the second largest sources of water vapor.

Where does most of the evaporation comes from?

If you are referring to water vapor in the atmosphere, most comes from the largest water source on the planet, the oceans.