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Q: What are the most useful storage devices when you using a computer at school?
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Why do we need DVD'S?

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A computer with 3MB of memory storage capacity can be limited. This will be the size of a single photo taken it cannot be useful in terms of data storage.

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They can be used as a base material for computer chips

Is a pen drive an External?

A pen drive is an external mass-storage device. They're usually long, slim devices, that vaguely resemble a chunky pen (hence the name).. They have various storage capacities - early models were around 8GB, but technology advances mean that modern ones can hold up to 512 GB of data. They're very useful devices for transferring data from one computer to another.

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in 5minutes please because this is school computer time

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A hard drive enclosure plugs into a computer to provide external storage. Its main purpose is to provide extra storage on a laptop or computer and to transfer files between computers. An external drive is also useful for backing up data on a computer.

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in 5minutes please because this is school computer time

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Remote storage data is useful in the event of your computer crashing, becoming infected or possible externally damaged unexpectedly. Having remote data storage ensures your important files and documents are safe.

What is network attached storage and how do I use it for my own business?

Network attached storage is a device that connects to a network of computers and allows for storage separate than on each computer. This is useful in many businesses because it allows each separate computer to have a way of backing up their files, and also access those files from each separate computer within the network.

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How is computer useful in school?

You can surf the web and do research for homework. You can also play educational games on the web.

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