


Data Storage Devices

Data storage devices are any piece of computer hardware used to record some sort of information. Questions about storage devices and the media on which they record information belong here.

1,620 Questions

What SD card should you use for a garmin nuvi 1310?

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According to Garmin:

"As long as your nuvi or zumo has the latest version of software, it will be compatible with all SD and SDHC datacards. While SDHC datacards are available in a variety of storage sizes and speeds, we only recommend using a maximum of 16GB SDHC cards."

That FAQs refers you to the product documentation for specifics on if you model can accept SD or microSD cards.

According to the specifications page from the Owner's Manual for the nuvi 250s:

"Data Storage: Internal Memory and optional removable microSD or SD card. Data stored indefinitely."

So the nuvi 250s can accomodate either an SD card or a microSD card.

What is the benefit of purchasing an Energy Star computer?

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Purchasing an Energy Star computer can help you save on energy costs as it is designed to be more energy-efficient than standard models. It also helps reduce environmental impact by consuming less power and producing fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, Energy Star computers are often quieter and produce less heat, leading to a more comfortable working environment.

Magnets destroy floppy disks what else destroys it?

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Floppy disks can also be destroyed by exposure to extreme temperatures, humidity, water, and physical damage such as bending or crushing. Additionally, exposure to dust, dirt, and oils can ruin the delicate magnetic surfaces of floppy disks.

Is a magnetic disc affected by a theft detection device or magnetic theft alarm sensor?

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Yes, a magnetic disc like a hard drive or floppy disk can be affected by a theft detection device or magnetic theft alarm sensor due to the strong magnetic fields they emit. This can potentially cause data loss or corruption on the magnetic disc. It is best to keep such devices away from magnetic fields.

A 1.44-megabyte diskette will hold how many bytes of information?

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A 1.44-megabyte diskette can hold 1,440,000 bytes of information.

What is the magnetised circle on a floppy disk called?

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It is called the magnetic storage medium or magnetic disk.

Process of transferring data to a storage medium?

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The process of transferring data to a storage medium involves several steps. The first step is to connect the storage medium to the computer or device from which the data is being transferred. This can be done using a variety of methods such as USB Ethernet or Wi-Fi. Once the connection is established the data can be transferred. There are two main methods of transferring data: copying and moving.

  • Copying: Copying is the process of creating a duplicate of the files and folders being transferred. This creates a new file on the storage medium with the same contents as the original file. It does not delete the original file.
  • Moving: Moving is the process of transferring the data and deleting the original file. This is useful when the data is no longer needed on the original device.

Once the data has been transferred it can be accessed from the storage medium. Depending on the type of storage medium this can be done using a variety of methods such as a web browser file explorer or a dedicated application. Once the data has been accessed it can be used or modified as needed.

When a DVD is read laser light touches the DVD surface and is measured at location a what allows light to return to location a after striking the DVD surface?

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The light returning to location A after striking the DVD surface is reflected back due to its interaction with the pits and lands on the DVD surface. The pits and lands are variations in the surface of the DVD that reflect the laser light differently, which is read by a sensor to interpret the data stored on the DVD.

Tranducer is a device that?

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A transducer is a device that converts one form of energy into another. It can convert various types of signals, such as electrical, mechanical, thermal, or acoustic signals, into a different form of energy. Transducers are commonly used in sensors, microphones, speakers, and medical imaging equipment.

What is characteristic of secondary dysmenorrhea?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Secondary dysmenorrhea is characterized by menstrual pain that is caused by an underlying medical condition, such as endometriosis, fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease. It typically begins later in life compared to primary dysmenorrhea and the pain may be more severe and persistent. Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause of the pain.

What are different types FAT in computer?

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There are two types of File Allocation Table (FAT) file systems currently used on computer disks (FAT16 & FAT32) but the there have been others:

  1. FAT8, the original FAT file system
  2. FAT12, designed for use on 5.25 inch floppy disks, became inefficient on hard disks larger than about 32Mbyte
  3. FAT16, designed to support hard disks into the low gigabyte range
  4. FAT32, designed to support hard disks into the low terabyte range
The FAT file systems unfortunately become rapidly inefficient as disk capacity increases because it must use larger cluster sizes on larger disks (wasting more bytes in small files). A workaround for this has been to partition disks that were too large into more efficient sizes. When newer higher capacity hard disks began to make this workaround impractical, the FAT entry size was increased (from 12 bits to 16 bits then to 32 bits) so more clusters could be mapped in the table and cluster size could then be kept down to a more efficient size. There are also some extensions to these basic FAT types (e.g. FAT16B, FAT16+, FAT16X, FAT32+, FAT32X, VFAT, UVFAT, FATX, exFAT), but as standard device driver and utility software often does not support them many problems and incompatibility issues (including data loss) can result.

But FAT is not the only file system type available, there are many that were designed from the beginning for use on large capacity hard disks and thus do not have the limitations of FAT. A few of these are:

  • NTFS
  • HFS+ (Journaled)
  • ext
  • ext2
  • ext3
  • ext4
  • FILES-11
  • NSS
  • OneFS
  • UFS
  • UFS2
  • XFS
  • Xsan
  • EFS
  • etc.

Advantages of input and output devices?

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Asked by Wiki User

Perhaps it would be better for you to research what "output device" means. If you need to output something, you need an output device. There is simply no alternative to which you can compare it.

Are storage facilities really secure?

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Security varies amongst storage facilities, including Local Self Storage. Although most establishments use security precautions like access control, surveillance cameras, and safe locks, the level of protection may vary. Choose a reputed storage company like Local Self Storage, which normally maintains strict security measures, after conducting research to secure the security of your possessions. Making an informed choice might be aided by reading reviews and talking about their security measures.

Is a memory stick and USB stick the same device?

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Yes, it is. Physical components of a computing system are referred to as hardware.

How data storage has changed?

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Asked by Wiki User

one of thmain most useful data storages are portable now like the usb or the floppy disk. the usb drive can come in many sizes. mostly when its the thinner or smaller ones normally can only keep 1-2 gb of storage on them but the bigger the flash drives are the more space that it can hold like mine i have 8 gb worth of storage on mine. and the floppy disks are very old school and arnt that quet good as flash drives ( youl be lucky to find a computer that still has the floppy disk srives in them) floppy disks are just regular disks incased inside a plastic cover. they are very old school and dont work as often as they should. more has changed with storage like bigger harddrives on computers. most of them able to keep over 50 games on them with many others items and downloads. others are also able to keep up with high speed gaming also. if you want much more information on this topic look it up on google or ay other search engine much more will show up than what i just typed. (if you have any more questins just send me a message or email me. im only 13 so i dont know everything about but i do know alot about them. i know more than my technology teacher!)

Can I play a European DVD on a North American computer?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is possible if all of these conditions are additionally met:

(a) you obtain a travel plug adapter so that you can use the US DVD player

(b) either your us DVD player will need to be able to play in PAL since the US uses NTSC -or- you'll need to bring an NTSC TV with another travel plug adapter (ignore (c) )

(c) connecting cables are different...prepare to adapters to get the audio and video to the non-US set....I was able to accomplish this by buying cheap parts at a Pound Store to cannabalize and make my own wires..

How do you burn a copyright DVD?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are making a legal "back up" copy of a copyright protected DVD that you own you will have to contact the manufacturer/rights holder.

Deliberately bypassing technology put in place to protect copyrighted material is illegal under terms of Section 1201 (Circumvention of copyright protection systems) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

"(a) VIOLATIONS REGARDING CIRCUMVENTION OF TECHNOLOGICAL MEASURES- (1)(A) No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title"

Additionally if WikiAnswers were to provide you with information which would allow copyright to be bypassed, there is the possibility of a charge of contributory infringement. In Felton v RIAA: Corley v. Universal the mere posting of a link to a computer program that can be used to circumvent technical protection measures was held to be a violation of the DMCA. [Universal v. Corley (2d Ciruit cite)]

How do you delete a hidden file like drvspace.bin from a floppy disk?

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Asked by Wiki User

As far as I know, you pretty much need to be the one that hid the files in the first place, and you'd need to use whatever program you used to hide them, to locate them again. If you were the one that hid the files, access the program you used, and check the 'help' menu for an explanation of how to locate a hidden file, or check the software manufacturer's website to see if there is a FAQ section, message board, or forum of some sort.

What is a bit a nibble a byte and a word?

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A " bit " is a single one or zero. It has two states, and can only represent one of two values.

A " byte " is (usually) 8 bits working together, such that each bit is double the value of the bit to its right. A byte can represent 256 possible values.

A "kilobyte" is 1024 Bytes

A "word" is a unit of data of a defined bit length that can be addressed and moved between storage and the computer processor. Usually, the defined bit length of a word is equivalent to the width of the computer's data bus so that a word can be moved in a single operation from storage to a processor register. For any computer architecture with an eight- bit byte , the word will be some multiple of eight bits.

Why has digital technology become the most reliable state of the art technology for data and information storage and transmission?

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Asked by Wiki User

It isn't.

If you print something on acid-free paper, it will be easily readable in 200 years.

A harddisk, on the other hand, rarely last longer than 5-10 years even under the best conditions. A CD or DVD may last 50 years, but no one knows for sure yet.

Even putting physical reliability aside, it is not at all obvious that the programs we use in a few hundred years will be able to read the data formats we use today.

Compare to punched cards: They were a primary digital storage medium as recently as 40-50 years ago, but you will be hard put to find a punched card reader for a computer bought today. And possibly even harder put to find software that knows what the data means, especially for binary data.

Digital technology has its big advantages in operating on data - whether summing or copying, the computer is much less likely to make errors than a human - and in searching. Finding anything specific among millions of printed pages can be a hopeless task, while searching the same volume of digital data is trivial.

Digital technology has several massive advantages, but storage reliability is not one of them.

Is a VHS a magnetic storage device?

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Yes, that is why a magnet nearby can erase the contents (hehehe)