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Q: What are the names of Nine Gems of Ashoka's?
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You want to know the names of gems nav ratna?

From Wikipedia: "Navaratna is literally a Sanskrit compound word meaning 'nine gems'." Read more, below, including the names, purity and arrangement of the stones.

When did Order of the Nine Gems happen?

Order of the Nine Gems happened in 1851.

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What is 9 G's of A Short for?

nine gems of akbar

What is 9 g of a short for?

nine gems of akbar

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Who was the nine gems of chandragupta was associated with astrology?

varahamahiran kalidas

How many didferent kinds of gems are there in the world?

Here are some kinds of gems: fire opal, diamond, ruby

What was ashokas name?

Mahendra was ashoka's son'name

Why were akbars 9 gems called the navratnas?

In Hindi nav means nine and ratans means precious stones so nav-ratans means the nine gems this is in reference to the 9 courtiers of Akbar