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Q: What are the names of some racial groups?
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The practice of racial segregation in the South was based on the belief that?

some racial groups are superior to others

Are Jews catholics and Muslims racial groups?

No, they are not racial groups but religious groups.

Why is it that people from a different racial groups are unemployed in certain sectors of the economy and not in others?

People from a different racial groups are unemployed in certain sectors of the economy and not in others as a result of discrimination. Racial discrimination makes some racial groups to feel superior over others.

What Are some contributing factor in racial prejudice?

Some contributing factors in racial prejudice include social upbringing and exposure to biased beliefs, economic disparities leading to competition and resentment between racial groups, and systemic inequalities reinforcing negative stereotypes and biases. Additionally, fear of the unfamiliar or perceived threat from different racial groups can fuel prejudice.

What are 3 differences in the skull that shows racial groups?

Shape of the skull: Different racial groups may have variations in the shape of the skull, such as the width of the face or the length of the skull. Nasal aperture: The size and shape of the nasal aperture can vary between racial groups, with some groups having more pronounced features. Dental morphology: Racial groups may exhibit differences in dental traits, such as tooth size and shape, which can be used to determine ancestry.

What is ethnic pluralism?

co-existant of a variety of distant racial groups co-existant of a variety of distant racial groups

What are some major racial groups Rwanda?

Hutu (84%), Tutsi (15%) and Pygmy (1%)

What is Zimbabwe racial group?

The Shona and the Ndebele are the main racial groups in Zimbabwe.

What are the names of some utopian groups and where have they settled?

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Why are some Whites racist?

Many aren't. Some are, which maintains a cycle of racial division and friction. Some exploit racial issues for their own political or economic ends. And all societies and racial groups share a sluggishness in shaking off the shared notions of the past, including spurious racial stereotypes and mythologies.

Why are their racial groups?

There are racial groups because some people don't like other types of people because of there's not good for people to judge people by their physical looks, but by their way of acting against or with other people

What are the patterns of interaction between majority and minority racial and ethnic groups?

The patterns of interaction between majority and minority racial and ethnic groups varies between groups. Many majority groups will look down on minority groups as if they do not have equal rights.